Restorative Counselling

Your Journey To Spiritual Wellness

Restorative Counselling Therapy

The Healing Garden offers faith based services designed to incorporate the wholeness of the mind, body and spirit. This approach integrates prayer, talk therapy, and meditation on God’s Word, creating a foundation for deep spiritual connection and introspection. Techniques such as breathing exercises and relaxation music therapy are used to soothe the mind, while self-reflection and self-awareness activities lead to profound self-discovery and personal development. Our unique Word Therapy and biblical affirmations provide spiritual grounding and empowerment.

Your Journey to Healing

The Healing Garden offers a comprehensive approach to address a wide range of emotional and spiritual challenges. Whether you’re seeking a spiritual reset, grappling with anxiety, fear, guilt, or unforgiveness, our counselling provides the clarity and peace needed to navigate these complex emotions. We specialize in helping individuals find balance and wholeness in their lives, enhancing spiritual awareness and well-being. For those feeling low in energy, struggling with a sense of belonging, addictions, or anger management issues, our therapeutic approach offers effective solutions.

Who Needs Restorative Counselling? Is It Right For Me?

There are a couple reasons why a person may consider this type of counselling.

  1. They may seek to explore or solidify their own personal spiritual beliefs.

  2. They may be wrestling with thoughts that are destructive or going through trauma and other difficulties in life.

  3. They may be searching for a deeper meaning to life and how to navigate safely within it.

  4. They may have wandered off the right path and need to find a sense of guidance and direction to get back on track.

  5. They may be going through turmoil and need to be “restored” spiritually.

  6. They feel lost and unsure of their own sense of purpose.

  7. They may be going through struggles in their lives, and may feel like they are in a desperate situation.

Reasons Why Some People May Avoid Therapy

There are many reasons why Individuals may avoid counselling. Some of these reasons include: fear of judgment from others, fear of change, fear of the unknown, doubt the integrity of the service, fear of what they might discover in therapy; additionally, others may be too proud to admit that they need help.

Additionally, some people doubt the efficacy of this type of treatment: They’re uncertain it will work or misunderstand how it works. For others, they may feel that they are unable to make payment for this type of therapy. Whatever the reason, if you have any fear, doubts, questions or concerns. Please feel free to contact me to discuss an option that will best suit your needs.

What Are The Benefits Of Restorative Counselling?

1. Can bring a sense of comfort and assurance that you can be restored to wholeness.

2. Stress relief.

3. Offers opportunity for spiritual growth and strengthening.

4. Spiritual guidance and awareness.

5. Spiritual reset.

6. Spiritual enlightenment.

7. Restoring joy, peace, sense of purpose.

8. Spiritual insight.

9. Can provide a sense of assurance in turbulent times.

10. Assist with finding a meaningful life.